The office of Administrative Services is responsible for attendance referrals when students/parents are in non-compliance with state compulsory attendance laws. Alvarado ISD attendance officers:
- Make direct contact with students/parents who have poor attendance
- Help facilitate improved attendance with students who are at-risk for poor attendance
- File truancy cases in the Justice of the peace and Municipal Courts
- Conduct truancy court actions for the school district
- Represent the Alvarado ISD schools and State of Texas in truancy court
- Monitor improved attendance with truant students after court action has been take
PLEASE NOTE - If your child is absent, turn in your parent note or official documentation within 72 hours (3 school days) of your child's return to school. Notes must be turned in to the office or email notes to the attendance email address. Phone messages explaining absences are appreciated but are not an acceptable form of documentation to excuse an absence.