Field Trips
Bus requisitions or Trip Requests should be submitted through Trip Direct and should be submitted to the Transportation Department at least three days prior to the date of the trip. Requisitions must have the appropriate administrative approval and a budget code to be accepted.
First Time User
If you already have an account in Maintenance Direct, you will use your maintenance direct login and choose trip direct. If you are not already set up in Maintenance Direct, you can go to the following page to see videos on how to set yourself up in Trip Direct. You will need to get the account code from your campus administrator before setting yourself up in Trip Direct.
Entering a Trip Ticket
The Trip Request Page is where the requester will fill out and submit their trip request form. The requester will need to submit one request for each type of vehicle. If the requester is entering a ticket for buses to go to the football game, they can enter one ticket for all buses for that date. If the requester is needing a bus and an SUV, the requester would need to enter one ticket for the bus and one for the SUV.
Most fields are common sense, but please pay special attention to the following fields when completing your trip ticket. Some of them are counterintuitive.
- Location - Location is a drop down menu. Please choose the location that best describes where you are assigned. This is not where the trip will depart from. If you are a teacher at AJH, you would choose AJH. If you are a coach booking an athletic trip, you would choose athletics. This is critical because location helps determine how your ticket is routed for approval.
Organization - Organization is also a critical field involving in routing your trip for approval. It is a drop down menu. Please choose the organizations that best describes the group that will be taking the trip (i.e. AHS Football, AJH Choir, AEN Student Travel, LES Staff Travel).
Trip Packages - Please leave this blank. We do not do trip packages.
Budget Code - This is a drop down menu. Please choose the correct budget code. If you are unsure of the budget code, please see your immediate supervisor. You must submit a budget code for the trip to be approved.
Transportation Type - You will use this field to select if you want a bus, charter bus, SUV, or rental vehicle.
Faculty - Under the field for faculty, please state if you will be providing a driver for the trip and the name of said driver. If a driver is not listed, the transportation department will assign a driver if one is available. All drivers must be approved by the transportation department.
Supervising Adults - Under the field supervising adults, please list the location from which you wish to be picked up. For example, you might list AJH Band Hall or AHS Gym or AEN Front Drive.
Number of Students - You must enter the number of students and adults traveling on the trip. This helps us to ensure that we assign you the correct vehicle.
Special Needs - Please list any special needs or requirements such as wheel chair locks, booster seats, etc.
Trip Charges
The campuses will be charged for field trips and extracurricular activities at a rate $1.35 per mile and $20.00 per hour per bus. The campus group is also responsible for purchasing meals and any admission tickets for the driver while they are on the trip. If the trip is an overnight trip, the sponsor is responsible for reserving and paying for the driver's room and full salary while on the trip.
Staff may book district owned SUVs through Trip Direct. The charge for district owned SUV is $0.55 per mile.
Alternate Trip Requests (i.e Charter Buses and Rental Vehicles)
It is the practice of Alvarado ISD to use school buses to transport students whenever possible. Students are not to be transported in fifteen passenger vans or transported by staff in their personal vehicles. Students may also be transported in rental vehicles and charter buses with approval. Approval may be obtained by submitting a request through Trip Direct. The requester should choose charter bus or trip support vehicle (rental car) under the Transportation Type field. All other fields would be completed as normal. Once approved, sponsors are responsible for working with campus administration to book their rental vehicle. Please work with your campus administrator to look at the safety record and terms of any contract for rental of a charter bus or vehicle. Please ensure that all students are provided with a seat belt and use it.
Overnight Trips and Out of State Trips
All school-sponsored overnight trips for UIL or other sanctioned activities must be approved by the Superintendent. All out of state trips must be approved by the School Board. Please get with your campus administrator if you need to book an out of state trip.